Wanting more money does not make you a bad person
It doesn’t mean you’re greedy, selfish or ungrateful.
It means that you know what you desire.
You know what you want in order to have the life you crave.
The more clear you are on what it is you desire, the easier it will be to go after it, achieve it and sustain it.
How You Having More Money Benefits Others
When you have more money, you are able to have a greater impact on others.
You’re able to use your money in ways that best serve your community, build resilience and empower others.
When you have more money, you can hire more people. Whether it be a personal chef, housekeeper, nanny, or expanding your business team. This means more money for them.
The more money you have the more you can disburse it amongst others.
You can make charitable donations where your money will have the opportunity to help multiple people directly and indirectly.
Stop Feeling Guilty for Wanting More Money
It’s ok to want what you want.
Having anything less will eat at your soul.
The guilt that you have around wanting more is just another way that your subconscious mind is trying to keep you small.
Guilt doesn’t feel good and it’s not serving you.
That’s why you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting more. If anything, you should feel guilty for not following your desires.
The world needs what you have to offer and money is a tool to help you get your offers into the world.
When you are delivering your best, living your best and operating at your best everyone benefits.
Want without Worry
Right now, wanting more money may be coming from a place of worry.
A place of not enough.
If you’re worried that money is going to run out or that it’s going to be hard to get more, these are fear based thoughts.
Transforming your thoughts about money are more difficult when they are based around worry and fear.
Focus on the relief you will experience by having more money.
The possibilities that will open up to you to live out your desires.
When you transition out of fear based thoughts you are freeing yourself from negative energy that is holding you back.
Allowing you to be supported by the Universe. To believe that having more is good for you and for the people around you.
When you focus on money from a state of service and love, instead of worry and fear your actions are fueled by good (not greed).
That is the energy you need behind you, pushing you and empowering you to attract more money into your life.
Shift from a state of wanting out of worry to a state of receiving out of being supported.
You Deserve What You Want
You deserve to feel good about your life
You deserve to feel supported by the Universe
You deserve to have more money
You deserve to have the freedom to help others from a place of service
And all of this is possible when you move past the limiting beliefs that wanting more is greedy.
Allow money to be a tool that you use to create the life that you desire.
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